The library of the Greek literary association of Constantinople (1863-1922)

Γιώργος Α. Γιαννακόπουλος

The intellectual bloom of the Greek population of Asia Minor, which
was observed from the middle of the 19th century onward, was expressed
by the establishment of a great number of cultural associations. The most
important of these was the «Greek Literary Association of Constantinople
» (Syllogos), which played a primary role in the effort to strengthen
the Greek language in Asia Minor.
The present study examines the creation and operation of the public
library of the Association, which was founded in 1863 and constituted
one of the main activities of the Syllogos and one of the major instruments
for the promotion of its cultural projects. The library’s history
and mode of operation reflected the strengths and the weaknesses of Syllogos.
The library was destroyed by fire in 1870 but soon it was recreated.
Its further development was based mainly on a great number of
donations of books by members of the Association and other individuals.
Another major source for the enrichment of the library were exchanges
with some of the most significant scientific institutions of Europe and
America of the time. Over the years the library’s holdings grew to 27.000
volumes of printed books. The collection included 183 Greek manuscripts
as well. Many of the second copies of books available in the library were
sent to the libraries of Greek schools and the local associations in Asia
The defeat of the Greek army in Asia Minor brought the end of Syllogos.
The contents of the library were transferred to Ankara and dispersed
to a number of Turkish scholarly institutions. The most important part
went to the «Turkish Historical Association» (Turk Tarili Kurumy).

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