Temporary agency workers and the economic crisis in EU and Greece

Published: Mar 3, 2019
Temporary Agency Workers Temporary Work Agency (TWA) European Directive Motives Labour Relations
Eleni Rompoti
Alexis Ioannides

The purpose of this article is to study the temporary agency workers. The motives of the employers-workers that ask or offer work respectively, through the Temporary Work Agencies are stated. Also, an effort is made to go further into studying the main features that play a determining role in the operation of the phenomenon and in the organization of the labour relations. The article offers an overview of the institutional context and of the rights that the “temporary agency workers” have, as enshrined pursuant to the European Directive 2008/104/EC in national laws. Finally, their extent in the EU is analyzed, both before the economic crisis began and also after its onset.

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Author Biographies
Eleni Rompoti, Democritus University of Thrace
PhD Candidate, Department of Social Administration and Political Science, Democritus University of Thrace
Alexis Ioannides, Democritus University of Thrace
Associate professor, Department of Social Administration and Political Science, Democritus University of Thrace
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