The disability movement and the struggle for recognition: Condition for transformative learning of people with disabilities

Published: Jan 31, 2025
disability movement, disability, transformative learning, biographical-narrative approach, recognition
Anthi Chatzipetrou

The doctoral dissertation presented was prepared by the School of Humanities, Hellenic Open University. According to the committee resolution, the dissertation was approved in June 2023. The committee was consisted of the primary Assistant Professor Zacharias  Palios and two committee members, from the University of Crete Professor Giorgos Tsiolis and from University of Athens Professor emeritus Gerasimos Kouzelis. The doctoral dissertation examines the complex relationship between biography, learning and configuration.

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  • PhD Theses
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Author Biography
Anthi Chatzipetrou, Hellenic Open University

Phd in Sociology of Education, Hellenic Open University

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