Conrad, M., Hálfdanarson, G., Michailidou, A., Galpin, C., and Pyrhönen, N. (Εds.) (2023). Europe in the Age of Post-Truth Politics: Populism, Disinformation and the Public Sphere. Palgrave Macmillan.

Δημοσιευμένα: Ιαν 26, 2023
George Gotsis


Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
  • Ενότητα
  • Βιβλιοκρισίες - Βιβλιοπαρουσιάσεις
Ballo, I.F., and Vaage, N.S. (2021). Public reasoning in “post-truth” times: Technoscientific imaginaries of “smart” futures. In K. Rommetveit, Post-truth imaginations: New starting points for critique of politics and technoscience (pp. 138-160). Taylor and Francis.
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Lynch, W.T. (2022). Does post-truth expand or restrict political choice? Politics, planning, and expertise in a post-truth environment. Analyse und Kritik, 44 (1), pp. 137-159.
Michailidou, A., and Trenz, H. (2021).Rethinking journalism standards in the era of post-truth politics: From truth keepers to truth mediators. Media, Culture and Society, 43 (7), pp. 1340-1349.
Porpora, D.V. (2020). Populism, citizenship, and post-truth politics. Journal of Critical Realism, 19 (4), pp. 329-340.
Schindler, S. (2020).The task of critique in times of post-truth politics. Review of International Studies, 46 (3), pp. 376-394.
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