Zur anwendung der theorie der stochastischen prozessen in der sozialwissenschaft und insbesondere in der demometrie

Δημοσιευμένα: Jan 1, 1976
Georgios Tziafetas
[Δε διατίθεται περίληψη / no abstract available]
Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
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Βιογραφικό Συγγραφέα
Georgios Tziafetas

He was born in the village Vlasti-Kozani, Greece, in 1947 and
he attended the elementary and high school of Tirnavos-
Larissa. He entered the University of Thessaloniki, department
of Physics. He finished his studies having a scholarship
of the National Foundation in November 1969. During
the summer of 1969 he attended for three months the
West London College. In March 1970 he entered the University
of Thessaloniki, department of Mathematics and graduated
as Mathematician in June 1972. During the summer of 1972
he attended for three months the Lessing Kolleg in Marburg,
W. Germany. In the winter-semester 1972 he entered the
Technical University of W. Berlin, department of Cybernetics,
having a scholarship. At first he attended a course for Probability
Theory, Statistics, Control Theory, Econometrics and
Applied Mathematics. Then he completed his dissertation
«Stochastische Modelle von Wanderungsprozessen» and
graduated as Doctor of the department for Cybernetics.
Since the beginning of the winter-semester 1975-76 he has
been staying in Greece being lecturer in the department of
Applied Mathematics in the Technical University of Athens.
Now he occupies himself with the research on applications of
the stochastic processes in the «Bio-science».