An analysis of the historical and political factors that influenced the development of Canada's premier chemical complex

Δημοσιευμένα: Jun 1, 1974
Elwood J.C. Kureth
[Δε διατίθεται περίληψη / no abstract available]
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Βιογραφικό Συγγραφέα
Elwood J.C. Kureth, Eastern Michigan University, USA

Elwood J.C. Kureth was born in Flat Rock, Michigan. He
graduated from Michigan State Normal College with a BA in
1951 and earned a MA from the University of Michigan in
1952. Upon receipt of this degree, he accepted a high school
teaching position where he served as chairman of the social
studies department for several years. Since 1968, he has taught
in the Department of Geography at Eastern Michigan University.
In 1971, he received a Ph.D. in geography from the University
of Michigan. Dr. Kureth’s interest in the historical factors
leading to the growth and development of the petroleum industry
of Canada provided the background for his research
into the evolution of the petrochemical industry of Sarnia,
Ontario. He has done field work in numerous provinces of
Canada and is currently engaged in a study of the socio-economic
structure of the fishing community in Pictou County,
Nova Scotia, Canada. Since Dr. Kureth is interested in education
at all levels he is also presently working with a colleague
in the writing of a series of elementary social studies textbooks
for grades one through six pertaining to the State of Michigan.
He is a member of the honorary geography fraternity-Gamma
Theta Upsilon.