Women active in the middle ages: (Of women knight, regents and political leaders)

Δημοσιευμένα: Jan 1, 1974
Michael J. Kyriakis
[Δε διατίθεται περίληψη / no abstract available]
Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
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  • Άρθρα
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Βιογραφικό Συγγραφέα
Michael J. Kyriakis, Maryland University, Winston Salem University

Professor Michael J. Kyriakis is a second generation Greek-
American; who was practically born in the USA. He has lived
and grew up in New York City. His early schooling (kindergarten,
Public and High Schools) were completed in New York
City. Thereafter he attended New York University, where he
acquired an A.B. After the War (he served in the US Army) he
attended Columbia University and was granted a M.A. Subsequently,
with the help of two Fulbright grants (a Study Grant
for France and a Prize Award), along with his G.I. (US Army)
Bill, he attended the University of Paris (Sorbonne) and was
awarded a Doctoral degree «avec la mention très honorable».
Professor M. Kyriakis is a historian and a philologist. His
area of specialization in History is: Medieval Europe (the Latin
West and the Byzantine East: society and institutions).
In Philology his areas of interest lie in English literature
(poetry and drama): also in Comparative Literature and Language.
Professor Kyriakis has taught at The University of Maryland
(European Division), The New School for Social Research (New
York, NY), The Center for Byzantine Studies (New York, NY),
The University of Winston-Salem (North Carolina) and elsewhere.
He has lectured widely in USA and Europe on Byzantine
civilization and English poetry (including his own).
He has published articles in USA and European journals and
reviews, such as: Athene (Chicago), The Greek Orthodox Observer
(review), New York, NY, Byzantion (Brussels), The New
Yorker magazine (New York), Embryo (Nashville, Tenn.); and
has several (book-length) typescripts ready for publication.
These include «An Outline of Byzantine literature»; «Three
tragedies of Sophocles» (translated into English); and several
plays written around Byzantine themes. He is currently engaged
in the preparation of a work on Medieval society.