The impact of traditional cultural paterns on Greek politics

Δημοσιευμένα: Jan 1, 1977
Adamantia Pollis
[Δε διατίθεται περίληψη / no abstract available]
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Adamantia Pollis

Adamantia Pollis is a professor of political science at the
Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research in New
York City. She holds a Master of Arts in Economics and a
Ph.D. in political science from the Johns Hopkins University
in Baltimore, Maryland. Among her publications are: «Political
Implications of the Greek View of Self», British Journal of
Sociology, March 1965; «Intergroup Conflict and British Colonial
Policy: The Case of Cypms » , Comparative Politics, May
1973; «International Factors and the Failure of Political Integration
in Cyprus» in Stephanie Newman, Small States and
Segmented Societies, Praeger, 1976. She is currently completing
a study on the domestic and foreign factors which had
impeded meaningful social change in Greece.