Preservation of regional cultures: Proposal for joint research study

Δημοσιευμένα: Jan 1, 1977
Gregory Gizelis
Ilianna Antonakopoulou
[Δε διατίθεται περίληψη / no abstract available]
Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
  • Ενότητα
  • Άρθρα
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Βιογραφικά Συγγραφέων
Gregory Gizelis

Gregory Gizelis graduated from the School of Philosophy of
Athens University in 1959 and worked as teacher of Greek
Literature and History in Athens College until 1967. During
that period he wrote two books in Greek: An Analysis of
Homer’s Odyssey and Introduction to Ancient Greek Grammar.
In 1967 he continued his studies in the Sociology of
Education (Colgate University). He obtained his M.A. (1970)
and Ph.D. (1972) from the University of Pennsylvania. He
specializes in the fields of mass and interpersonal communication,
folklore and communication, culture as communication
and semiotics. He is currently working at the National Centre
of Social Research (Greece) in which he carries research projects
in cultural planning. He has been research associate at
the Center for Urban Ethnography of the University of Pennsylvania.
He is a member of many scientific societies among
which the International Sociological Association, American
Folklore Society, American Ethnological Society, Council on
Anthropology and Education. Among his more than forty publications,
the books and monographs: Narrative Rhetorical 

Devices of Persuasion, Scientific Folklore and Anthropological
Paradigms (in Greek), The Social Function of Metaphor (in
Greek), The Function of Northern Epirus Folksongs of Love
(in Greek), The Ethnography of Health (in Greek), Report on
the Reasons for the Establishment of a State School of Film
and TV (in Greek), Characteristics and Attitudes of the Athenian
TV Viewers (in Greek), The Organization of Sociocultural
Activities in Greece (in Greek) (co-authored), etc.

Ilianna Antonakopoulou

Uianna Teazi Antonakopoulou was born in Athens. She obtained
her B.A. in sociology from Vassar College, N.Y.,
under a program of full scholarship. In France she attended
courses in sociology and ethnology. Her diploma from the
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes was based on fieldwork research
on the dirges of Kitta, a village in Mani. She has been
working at the National Center of Social Research since
March 1974 in r