Capital-labour substitution in manufacturing in a developing country: The case of Cyprus

Δημοσιευμένα: Jan 1, 1981
Euripides I. Demetriades
[Δε διατίθεται περίληψη / no abstract available]
Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
  • Ενότητα
  • Άρθρα
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Βιογραφικό Συγγραφέα
Euripides I. Demetriades, Ministry of Finance, Nicosia

Dr. Euripides I. Demetriades is the Director of the Department of
Statistics and Research of the Government of the Republic of
Cyprus. He obtained his B.A. (Honours) Degree in Mathematics
from the Queen’s University of Belfast, N. Ireland, in 1961. He
continued his studies in Statistics at the University of Cambridge, 

England and received the Post-graduate Diploma in Mathematical
Statistics with Economics, in 1962. After working for 4 years in
the Department of Statistics and Research of the Republic of
Cyprus he pursued further studies in Economics at the University
of Minnesota (USA) receiving his M.A. Degree in 1966. After 5
years of further employment with the Department of Statistics and
Research he proceeded to the London School of Economics and
Political Science for studies in Economics. In 1976 he received the
Ph. D. Degree in Economics of the University of London. His doctoral
thesis is entitled An Economic Evaluation of Industrialization
Policies in Cyprus, 1962-1971. He has written various articles
in professional journals and research reports. These include, inter
alia, the following: «Education and Pay Structure in Cyprus» (with
G. Psacharopoulos), International Labour Review, Voi. 1118, No.
1, 1979: «Sources of Growth of the Cyprus Manufacturing Sector
», Spoudai, Voi. 28, No. 3, 1978: «Industrialization Strategy
and Policy in Cyprus», Cyprus Trade and Industry, Voi. 4, No. 4,
1979; «The System and Structure of Protection of Manufacturing
in Cyprus», Cyprus Geographical Chronicles, Voi. IX-X, No. 16-
17, 1980; «The Statistical Base for Population and Employment
Planning in Cyprus», Proceedings of the National Workshop on
the UNFPA/ILO Project; Population* Employment Planning and
Labour Force Mobility in Cyprus, Department of Statistics and
Research, 1982; The Demand for Energy in a Developing Country:
The Case of Cyprus (with W. House) (forthcoming). He is at
present preparing for publication a book entitled The Process of
Industrialization in Cyprus. His current research interests are in
labour economics, industrial growth and national accounting in
developing countries.