A theoretical framework for studying worker participation: The psychosocial contract

Δημοσιευμένα: Ιαν 1, 1978
Litsa Nicolaou-Smokovitis
Severyn T. Bruyn
[Δε διατίθεται περίληψη / no abstract available]
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Βιογραφικά Συγγραφέων
Litsa Nicolaou-Smokovitis, National Bank of Greece

Dr Litsa Nicolaou-Smokovitis is a native Greek. She attended
public schools in Greece and completed her bachelor’s degree with
honors in sociology at Smith College, Northampton, Mass. She
received her Master’s degree with distinction and her Ph. D. in
sociologyfrom the University Boston College. She is a seniorstaff
of the Board of Personnel Selection and Development of the Na­
tional Bank of Greece, involved in personnel work, research and
teaching. She is also entrusted with theteaching of sociology at the
Chair of Sociology in the Graduate School of Industrial Studies of
Thessaloniki, and Visiting Associate Professor at the School of
Management of Boston College and The Metropolitan College of
Boston University. She has conducted research and published sev­
eral articles and books dealing primarily with sociology of work,
industrial and organizational sociology,industrial relationsandthe
status of sociology in Greece. She is a member of the International
Sociological Association, the American Sociological Association,
the Society for the Study of Social Problems, the Association of
GreekWomen Scientists and the Greek Alumni of American Uni­
versities, and has represented the National Bank of Greece in
international sociological conferences. Among her major publica­
tions are: Beyond Class and Status (1971), Human Relations in
Business Organizations (1971, in Greek), Factors Influencing Job
Satisfaction in a Women’s Office (1973), The Growthand Develop­
ment of Sociology in Greece(\914), «Theoretical Orientationsand
Practical Applications of Human Relations In Industry »,Spoudai
(1975, in Greek), «Personality and Vocational Adjustment»
Spoudai (1976, in Greek), «The Psychosocial Contract: Its Nature 

and Effects for Greek Industry», The Greek Review of SocialRe­
search (1976), «Industrial Organization in Greece: Some Major
Dimensions Related to Success of Industrial Firms», Work and Technology (1977).

Severyn T. Bruyn, Boston College

Dr Severyn T.Bruyn is an American sociologist living and working
in the United States of America. He is Professor of Sociology at
Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Mass, and former Chairman of the
Department of Sociology of the same University. A specialist in
Community and Economic Sociology, he is actively involved in
teaching, research and writing in Social Economy, Industrial Rela­
tions, and multinational corporations. He is the author of several
scientific works and has published many papers presented in various
international conferences. Among his well known works are The
Human Perspective in Sociology: The Methodology of Participant
Observation (1966), «Notes on the Contradictions of Modern Busi­
ness: Macrosystem Guidelines for Studies in Social Economy»,
Sociological Inquiry (1972), and The Sot. :al Economy: People
Transforming Modern Business (1977).

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