Socioeconomic change and cabinet composition in Greece: 1946-1974

Δημοσιευμένα: Jan 1, 1978
Kleomenis S. Koutsoukis
[Δε διατίθεται περίληψη / no abstract available]
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  • Άρθρα
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Βιογραφικό Συγγραφέα
Kleomenis S. Koutsoukis

He studied law at the University of Athens (1962) and economics at
the same University (1963). He studied Political Sciencein U.S.A.
and received an M.A. (U.S.C. at Columbia, 1972) and Ph.D. (St.
University of N.Y. at Binghamton, 1976). He taught Political
Sociology, International and Comparative Politics at Harpur Col­
lege and EmpireSt. College of N.Y. He has done extensive research
on the military, political elites and politicaldevelopment inmodern
Greece. Among his main works are: The small village an ethno­
graphic study of a mountainous village in W. Greece (1969, in
Greek), The Process of Political Development in Greece 1922-1971
(M.A. thesis, 1972), «Cabinet Elite Recrueitment under the Mili­
tary regime in Greece, 1967-1973» (Paper presented at the 7th
annual Conference of MESA, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Nov. 1973),
«The Greek Establishment», occasional paper prepared for deliv­
ery at a Seminar on Elites in Industrial Society organized by the
Institute of European Studies at Airlie House, Virginia (1975),
Comparative Patterns of Elite Recruitment: Israel, Egypt, Lebanon,
co-author with Prof.R. H. Dekmejian (Columbia University): to be
publishéd. Forthcoming: Patterns of Military Intervention into
Greek Politics. He is a member of the Bar Association ofAthens,
the Hellenic Society of Political Science, the American Political
Science Association, the Middle East Studies Association, PiSigma-Alpha, etc