2005: 117 B' Special Issue: Differences in the framing of gender inequality as a policy problem across Europe. Editors: Mieke Verloo and Maro Pantelidou Maloutas

Δημοσιευμένα: 2016-03-09

Gender mainstreaming and the benchmarking fallacy of women in political decision-making

Petra Meier, Emanuela Lombardo, Maria Bustelo, Maro Pantelidou Maloutas

Domestic violence: who's problem?

Andrea Krizsan, Marjolein Paantjens

Framing prostitution policies. A comparision of Slovenia and Austria

Majda Hrzenjak, Vlasta Jalusic, Birgit Sauer, Karin Tertinegg

Framing the organisation of intimacy as a policy problem across Europe

Mieke Verloo, Laura Maratou Alipranti, Karin Tertinegg, Jacintha Van Beveren