Protovarys in theory, tetraphonos in practice?: preliminary observations on an archaeology of the Varys’ intervallics

Δημοσιευμένα: Ιουλ 28, 2021
Georgios Savvas

This paper opens with a caveat: as denoted in the title, its intention is not to be exhaustive on its subject, as of yet (future publication soon to follow). Attempted will be the exposition and commentation upon a series of indications regarding the intervallics of the plagal third mode, commonly referred to in the sources as Varys (low; due to being the mode with the lowest basis/ison in the ecclesiastical eight-mode system, Octoechos). If these result to a reacquaintance with the mode and a reconsideration of some of its intervallic possibilities, then the paper will have been successful in its intentions.

Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
  • Ενότητα
  • Φορέας Έκδοσης
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