Rockfall hazard in Greece.

Published: Jan 24, 2013
Earthquake Slope Rainfall Risk Impact
H. Saroglou

The geological structure of Greece (frequent occurrence of rock formations, existence of faults and fracturing of rocks), the steep topography and mountainous terrain as well as its high seismicity, creates a significant rockfall hazard. During the last decades, rockfalls in Greece are becoming a frequent phenomenon due to the increase of intense rainfall events but also due to the extension of human activities in mountainous areas.   The paper presents rockfall hazard in Greece trough an inventory of rockfalls and investigates  the  correlation  of  specific  factors,  namely:  a)  triggering  mechanism (rainfall, seismicity), b) slope angle, c) lithology, d) fault presence, e) block size in the  probability of occurrence of these, based on a statistical approach. The time and space frequency of the events is also investigated. Finally, the impact of the events on human and infrastructures (transportation infrastructure, inhabited areas, archaeological sites) is discussed.

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  • Natural Hazards
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