Published: Jan 1, 2010
Geotechnical Data Statistical Analysis K-Means GIS
P. Tsangaratos
I. Koumantakis
D. Rozos
The need to provide data management capabilities in geotechnical projects, makes data visualization in a more understanding way vital, while improvements in computer science, have created an opportunity to rethink the manner in which such data is archived and presented. Geographic Information Systems are considered nowadays as principal methods for analysis, utilizing their ability of manipulating, compiling and processing spatial data, such as geotechnical one. In this paper, the development of Borehole Analysis System (BAS) a specific Graphical User Interface (GUI) application is proposed to access geotechnical data with the aim of a relational database and an open source GIS platform, embodied in the application. The BAS, is able to integrate multiple layers of gathered information and to derive additional knowledge by applying statistical and data mining algorithms with the use of spatial query tools. These can give reasonable conclusions and better representation in 2-D and 3-D environment. The presented application is illustrated with an example from field practice, testifying its ability to be a useful tool for management and presentation of geological and geotechnical borehole data.
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  • GIS in Earth Sciences
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