Δημοσιευμένα: Ιαν 1, 2004
O. C. Galanis
C. B. Papazachos
P. M. Hatzidimitriou
E. M. Scordilis

In the past years there has been a growing demand for precise earthquake locations for seismotectonic and seismic hazard studies. Recently this has become possible because of the development of sophisticated location algorithms, as well as hardware resources. This is expected to lead to a better insight of seismicity in the near future. A well-known technique, which has been recently used for relocating earthquake data sets is the double difference algorithm. In its original implementation it makes use of a one-dimensional ray tracing routine to calculate seismic wave travel times. We have modified the implementation of the algorithm by incorporating a three-dimensional velocity model and ray tracing in order to relocate a set of earthquakes in the area of the Mygdonia Basin (Northern Greece). This area is covered by a permanent regional network and occasionally by temporary local networks. The velocity structure is very well known, as the Mygdonia Basin has been used as an international test site for seismological studies since 1993, which makes it an appropriate location for evaluating earthquake location algorithms, with the quality of the results depending only on the quality of the data and the algorithm itself. The new earthquake locations reveal details of the area's seismotectonic structure, which are blurred, if not misleading, when resolved by standard (routine) location algorithms.

Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
  • Ενότητα
  • Σεισμολογία
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