Published: Jul 23, 2018
Δ. Μπούζος
Ν. Κοντόπουλος

The Kaifa lagoon is located along a coast in the western Péloponnèse. It is relatively shallow with an average depth 3.29 m. The lagoonal bottom sediment is dominantly sandy mud while few places are covered with muddy sad. They have an average Md 5.48 Φ (2.20Φ-7.80Φ) while in the greater part of the lagoon the Mz varies between 5.00Φ and 6.00Φ which points to the medium silt grade. The bottom sediments as a whole are very poorly sorted because of the significant absence of a wave or current action. Phi skewness varies between very negative and very positive values. These suggest the presence both the winnowing action and the process of the addition of a suspension material. The kurtosis values mostly are under 1.00. These probably suggest that the velocity of the depositional agent changes wide. The average amount of CaC03 is 45.28% (22.18%- 67.21%). CaC03 can be supplied by eolian action which operates on the barrier island. This mostly consists of carbonate clastic grains. The amount of organic carbon averages 3.58% (1.7%-6.10%) and the higher values (5%-6%) occur in the eastern lagoonal margin near a marsh zone.

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  • Palaeontology, Stratigraphy and Sedimentology
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