Mineralogical composition and physical characteristics of marly soils from Heraklion Crete

Published: Jan 1, 2001
marly soils mineralogical composition physical characteristics Heraklion Crete

The mainly white-yellow marly soils studied present medium degree of consolidation and induration. The predominant grain size of the non - carbonate constituents is that of silt varying from 34 to 64%. According to the textural classification of soils of the SSDS the samples are mainly silty-clay loams with moisture capacity 30-40%. In the untreated samples in decreasing abundance the following minerals predominate: calcite (31-59%), clay minerals (20-34%) and quartz (12-20%). In the clay fraction (<2μπι) in decreasing abundance the following clay minerals (in discrete and interstratified phases) predominate: illite, smectite and vermiculite. Chlorite and kaolinite are missing. Mineralogically the marly soils are immature, because of the extended presence of Fe-Mg minerals (i.e. amphiboles, pyroxenes and clay minerals). According to the Unified Soil Classification System of the ASTM the studied marly soils mainly belong to the groups MH and CH (inorganic silts and inorganic clays respectively with high plasticity and liquid limit >50%), as well as to the group CL (inorganic clays with low plasticity and liquid limit <50%). The degree of consolidation and induration, as well as of compaction of these soils is medium. They contain significant amounts of discrete or interstratified smectite and mainly present high to very high swelling potential and activity between 0.5 and 2.0. It is concluded that specific precautions must be taken into account, when it is unavoidable the foundation of various constructions on these marly soils, because they swell and shrink extensively.

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  • Mineralogy and Crystallography
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