Estimation of rockfall hazard using a GIS-based three-dimensional rockfall simulation model

Published: Jan 1, 2007
Landslides Stochastic modelling Visualization
S. Charalambous
M. Sakellariou

Rockfall is a very common geomorphological process, yet a major hazard mainly in mountainous areas or along man-made slopes, potentially threatening lives, settlements, equipment, facilities and road infrastructure. In Greece, rockfalls are considered to be one of the most common forms of landslide as well as the most common failure mode likely to be triggered by a seismic event. Rockfall hazard assessment is requisite for both safety purposes (countermeasure design), as well as for land planning purposes. In this paper, a new three-dimensional rockfall simulation model, developed in GIS environment, is proposed as a tool for assessing rockfall hazard for a local- or even a regional-scale area. The application provides stochastic analysis, three-dimensional visualization and animation of rockfalls, by taking advantage of the capabilities offered by GIS. By means of case studies we evaluate the simulation model as a tool assisting spatial analysis and planning, which can be used in decision-making and design concerning road infrastructures, or even a large technical work, such as a dam.

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  • Section
  • New Technologies in Geophysical and Geological Research
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