Multiple readings of the mining landscape in Lavreotiki (SE Attica, Greece)

Maria Kayafa

From the widespread mineral exploitation of the past to the protected territory of the Sounion National Park in the present, the region of Lavreotiki has diachronically been at the centre of human activities and experiences. Nowadays, the landscape of the region, as defined by hills, valleys and the coastline at the SE of Attica, includes a variety of land uses, such as settlements (with prevailing traditional or contemporary styles), isolated properties (legal or illegal, inland or by the coast), agricultural lands (mainly vineyards and olive groves), uninhabited areas, roads, pathways and other transport routes, industrial units, tourist complexes, geological formations, archaeological and historical sites and landmarks, protected forest and shrub areas. However, the connecting element between them all has always been the large multi-metallic ore deposits found underground - their exploitation has shaped the landscape diachronically in a multitude of ways. This paper aims to explore the multiple facets of the landscape, interpret its characteristics as part of the diachronic heritage of the region and discuss its potential as an ‘off the beaten track’ place to visit.

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