
Liste de vérification de la soumission

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The Article furnished to Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece is an original work, it has not been published previously, nor is it under consideration for publication elsewhere, either in print or in electronic form.
  • To the best of my knowledge the Article does not defame any person, does not invade the privacy of any person, and does not in any other manner infringe upon the rights of any person.
  • The Article does not in any way violate intellectual property rights of third parties. Wherever permission is required, I have obtained it from the copyright holder.
  • I have read and I accept the Copyright Policy and have prepared the manuscript according to the Author Guidelines of the Journal
  • I grant to the Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece a royalty‐free, worldwide nonexclusive license perform all necessary actions to publish first the article in an issue of the Journal.
  • I retain ownership and/or I am the lawful right-holder of all rights under copyright in the Article, and I reserve all right not expressly granted in this Agreement
  • The Journal reserves the right to further license the Article to any third party in order to be further used, distributed or communicated to the public by any means, including the Internet or other electronic communications.
  • In any case of re‐publication of the Article, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece should require permission by the Author.
  • I have the full power and authority to provide the warranties and agree to the license granted by virtue of verifying all the above statements.

Directives aux auteurs

Research Articles

The majority of the articles published in the journal are original Research Articles. Research papers should report new and original research of high quality that meet the criteria of being of broad international interest, significant and novel.

Review Articles

Review Articles provide a comprehensive and novel assessment of an issue or significant region in geology and should be of interest to a wide readership. A Review Article should provide a balanced, integrated and critical summary of previous work and should evaluate potential controversial issues. Important new data may be presented, but are not the focus of the review. Illustrations should where possible integrate existing data into new comprehensive figures rather than duplicating published work.

Guide for Authors

The manuscript is in English: the title and the figure captions are also in English, however there will be an extensive summary in Greek (provided for free by the Editorial office for non-Greek speakers). The electronic file to be submitted, should be of type Microsoft Word (version 2003 and higher, files with .doc extension (preferable) or docx or PDF. Use a font with widespread use, preferably Times New Roman (11 pt) or Arial (10 pt) and line spacing (line spacing) 1.5 lines and full text aligned (justified). Do not add extra paragraph mark between paragraphs of text.

The file should contain the following: Front page: The title of the paper in English (max 20 words), Author Name: Surname and full first name (with an asterisk indicate the contact author), the postal address of the authors, Phone, Fax and e-mail address of the contact author. Abstract in English (maximum 400 words), Keywords (keywords) in English: up to 6. Main text, which will be structured rationally and include, without limitation: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Discussion and Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if any), References, Captions images and tables.

References in literature

The references are sorted alphabetically, based on the Latin alphabet. For each author, the order followed is: paper of author, author of paper with co-author, author of paper with several co-authors, in alphabetical order. If there is the same group of co-authors, it should follow chronologically order. The list of references should include all the references within the text and captions of images and tables. Within the text, references placed in brackets and include the author's surname, followed by the year of publication in chronological order (Author, 1997; Author, 2002). If given more than one authors, references are in chronological order (Author-1, 1988; Author and Author, 2001; Author et al., 2004). Abbreviations of journals must be based on established international standards such as the following links:

Especially for the Bulletin of the Greek Geological Society: Bul. Geol. Soc. Greece.

Examples of references

Book:  Billoski, T.V., 1992. Introduction to Paleontology, 6th ed. Institutional Press, New York.

Article in magazine: Morehouse, S.I., Tung, R.S., 1993. Statistical evidence for early extinction of reptiles due to the K/T event. Journal of Paleontology, 17, 198-209.

Book chapter: Schwartz, M.T., Billoski, T.V., 1990. Greenhouse hypothesis: effect on dinosaur extinction, in: Jones, B.T., Lovecraft, N.V. (Eds.), Extinction. Barnes and Ellis, New York, 175-189 pp..

Kokkalas, S., Xypolias, P., Koukouvelas, I., Doutsos, T., 2006. Post-Collisional Contractional and Extensional Deformation in the Aegean region. In: Dilek.. Y.. Pavlides. S. (Eds), Post Collisional Tectonics & Magmatism in the Mediterranean Region and Asia. Geological Society of America Special Paper, 97-123

Conference Proceedings: Collier, R.E.L., Jones, G., 2003. Rift Sequences of the Southern Margin of the Gulf of Corinth (Greece) as Exploration / Production Analogues. AAPG International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, p. 33.

Pavlidis, S., 1981. Neotectonics of Thessaly. Proc. of the XXVII IASPEI Assembly, Thessaloniki, 12-15 May, 134-152.

Dissertation: Bell, R.E., 2008. Tectonic Evolution of the Corinth Rift, Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Southampton, Southampton, 227 p.

Tables and Figures

Figures are numbered consecutively. Within the text, the reference made to "Fig. XX "(in reference to an image) or" Figs XX and XY "(for reference in several images (CAUTION: the« Fig. »Followed by a dot, the« Figs »not.). The captions of the pictures beginning with the word «Fig.» (Shortcut), followed by the number of image and a dot (Fig. 1.). Name each image file as follows: "" (Papadopoulos_Fig1.tif).

Online Submission

Please follow the hyperlink “Submit online” on the right and upload all of your manuscript files following the instructions given on the screen.

Ensure that the following items are present: One author has been designated as the corresponding author with contact details:

 • E-mail address

• Full postal address

All necessary files have been uploaded: Manuscript:

 • Include keywords

 • All figures (include relevant captions)

 • All tables (including titles, description, footnotes)

• Ensure all figure and table citations in the text match the files provided

• Indicate clearly if color should be used for any figures in print Graphical

Abstracts / Highlights files (where applicable) Supplemental files (where applicable) Further considerations

• Manuscript has been 'spell checked' and 'grammar checked'

• All references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa

 • Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Internet)

• Relevant declarations of interest have been made

 • Journal policies detailed in this guide have been reviewed

 • Referee suggestions and contact details provided, based on journal requirements



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