I. Votsi
N. Limnios
G. Tsaklidis
E. Papadimitriou
The long-term probabilistic seismic hazard is studied through the application of semi-Markov model. In this model a sequence of earthquakes is considered as a Markov process and the waiting time distributions depend only on the type of the last and the next event. The principal hypothesis of the model is the property of one-step memory, according to which the probability of moving to any future state depends only on the present state. The model under consideration defines a continuous-time, discrete-state stationary process in which successive state occupancies are governed by the transition probabilities of the Markov process. The space of states is considered to be finite and the process started far in the past has achieved stationarity. Firstly, a non-parametric method is applied in order to determine the waiting times. Then, the waiting times derived by means of the exponential and Weibull distributions will be compared to each other, as well as with the actual waiting times. Thus, the probability of occurrence of the anticipated earthquakes of a specific magnitude scale is calculated. The models are applied to an historical catalogue for Northern Aegean Sea.
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  • Rubrique
  • Seismology
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