D. Kementzetzidou
P. Paradisopoulou
K. Gkogkas
E. Arampatzi
E. Kyriakidou
E. Melissanidou
N. Theodoulidis

The evaluation of ambient seismic noise at the Hellenic Unified Seismic Network (HUSN) stations is investigated in this study. Ambient vibration recordings combined with the horizontal to vertical (H/V) spectral ratio technique helps in characterizing local site effects. This technique was applied at 17 sites ambient noise measurements. We selected a number of 1-hr waveform segments during day and night for summer and winter. For each site the H/V spectral ratio was calculated and the results were combined with geological and geophysical information. The goal was to show the network performance as far as the station quality and noise level at each site concerns in order to provide possible structural improvements, seismic station relocations or to detecting operational problems.

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  • Rubrique
  • Seismology
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