M. Pirli
Ν. Voulgaris
J. Alexopoulos
K. Makropoulos

A small aperture seismic array was installed by the University of Athens, in the area of Tripoli, Greece, on July 16th 2003, in order to test the performance of seismic array processing in the area of Greece and assess its contribution to earthquake location, especially in offshore areas not azimuthally covered by the existing, conventional seismological networks. The array consists of four three-component seismological stations, one of them in the middle of a small, almost equilateral triangle, formed by the deployment of the other three stations. Despite the fact that array siting is a compromise of array installation criteria, equipment safety and logistics, the test character of the experiment can be served successfully. The array transfer function depicts good azimuthal coverage nonetheless the existence of side-lobes and a rather wide main lobe is characteristic of spatial aliasing and low resolution in the two-dimensional wavenumber domain. The resolvable wavenumber passband of the array permits the determination of most of the common seismic body wave phases (Pn, Pg, Sn, Sg, etc.) for local and regional events in the area of Greece. Location of recorded events was performed using slowness and backazimuth data, calculated by f-k analysis of the seismic waveforms. Preliminary results have been compared to epicentres calculated by the Geodynamic Institute of the National Observatory of Athens. Although some differences are observed, these are not significant and location results as well as overall array performance can be improved by array calibration and travel-time, azimuth and slowness correction calculations.

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  • Rubrique
  • Seismology
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