Λ. Σωτηρόπουλος
E. Λυμπέρης
Α. Σιγάλας
Α. Ντουρούπη
Κ. Προβιά
Γ. Ντουνιάς

The geological conditions of the landslide's area, at Tsakona, in Arkadia Prefecture, are examined, as well as the factors that influenced the landslide's evolution. The landslide occurred at a distance of 15 km south of Megalopoli, on the New Highway, connecting Tripoli to Kalamata and constitutes one of the larger road landslides that have ever taken place. It occupies an area of a length of 1200m and a width of 300m. Geotectonically the landslide's region is placed in a block of the Pindos zone, thrusted on the Gabrovo-Tripoli zone. The geological formations that comprise the closer geological frame, consist of the formation of "First Flysch", Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous and of the Upper Cretaceous limestones. The geological factors that drastically influenced the landslide's activation are lithological, tectonic, hydrogeological and morphological. The mainly siltstone lithology of the flysch, the intense tectonic deformation that occurred during the alpidic horogenetic phase, the morphological depression that is formed by the landslide's region and the large quantities of groundwater supplied by the uphill limestone, are the main geological reasons that activated the landslide. It should be emphasised that the activation and evolution of the landslide were greatly influenced by human activity during the road construction.

Article Details
  • Rubrique
  • Engineering Geology, Hydrogeology, Urban Geology
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