Α. Κατερινόττουλος
Π. Βουδούρης
Χ. Κανελλόπουλος

A new skarn, near Therapio village, in the Evros prefecture, is described in terms of mineralogy and petrogenesis. The skarn is developed in amphibolites in close relation with pegmatite veins. It is constituted of garnet, magnetite and quartz, while retrograde minerals are actinolite, and chlorite, along with sulfides and hematite, some of them also found in the host rock. The mode of skarn growth and its close relation with the pegmatite veins indicate the genetic relation between them. At the same time, the cataclastic structure of the garnets and the magnetite as well as the brittle structures, imply later tectonism. According to the field observations and the results of the laboratory study, the Therapio skarn is a result of the metasomatism due to the intrusion of the pegmatite veins into the protolite amphibolite.

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  • Petrology
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