Publiée : Ιουλ 23, 2018
Ι. Αργυριάδης

At the ophiolithic overthrusted masses of Northern Pindos, east of Katara, outcrops of limestones are observed. Until now these outcrops are interpreted by tectonic inclusions inside the secondary tectonic contacts. Detailed analysis of these limestones showed that they are remainings of transgressions their age determined by the microfauna as upper Campanian - early Maastrichian. The limestone series ends upwards in a karstic surface supporting doleritic lava flows with essential thickness. In place Tragopetra we can observe that these lavas clearly intrude in the caves of the paleokarst. At the same section (Tragopetra), over this lava formation, the basic conglomerate (Auversian) of the mesohellenic sediments is found. Transgression of this age whas unknown until now in Greece, but is well known in South Anatolia and Near East. An important outcome of our research is that there is no ocean trench before the 806 overthrust but land with karstification of the limestones is emerged instead. The Pindos ophiolites overthrust is related to recent land creation and developed under epiglyptic conditions. Nature reality often differs to any models humans may imaginate!

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  • Rubrique
  • Stratigraphy
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