A preliminary approach on the use of satellite hyperspectral data for geological mapping

G. K. Nikolakopoulos
D. A. Vaiopoulos
G. A. Skianis

During the last decades remote sensing imagery has contributed significantly to mineral exploration. Motivated by the increasing importance of hyperspectral remote sensing, this study investigates the potential of the current-generation satellite hyperspectral data for geological mapping. A narrow-band Hyperion image, acquired in summer 2001, was used. The study area is situated at Milos island. Two different approaches were used for the reduction of the Hyperion bands. First, on the basis of histogram statistics the uncalibrated bands were selected and removed. Then the Minimum Noise Fraction was used to classify the bands according to their signal to noise ratio. The noisiest bands were removed and sixty bands were selected for further processing. In order to make meaningful comparisons between image spectra and laboratory reflectance spetra, the image radiance values must be corrected (calibrated) to reflectance by removing the atmospheric effects. Atmospheric corrections techniques were applied to the selected Hyperion bands. The comparison of the Hyperion hyperspectral data with the JPL spectral library gave quite encouraging results. Further processing of the data has to be done using the image analysis algorithms that have been developed specifically to exploit the extensive information contained in hyperspectral imagery.

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  • Rubrique
  • New Technologies in Geophysical and Geological Research
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