Internal Security vs. Democratic Freedoms: The Problematic in Dealing with the Case of Religious Terrorism in European States

Published: Dec 29, 2020
democratic freedoms European states internal security policies religious fundamentalism terrorism
Zisis S. Kyrgos
Dimitrios G. Pantazis
Sotirios T. Kalasountas

Undoubtedly, the last decades have been marked by the growing effort of nations to reduce the effects of terrorism, a consequence of the rise of religious fundamentalism. To this end, it is observed that many European countries have been taking measures to ensure their national security, endangering certain democratic rights. By reviewing the policies of some European states against terrorism, the present brief attempts to determine the relation between the level of security of a state and the degree of restriction of democratic freedoms, within the political context of the state in question.

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Author Biographies
Zisis S. Kyrgos, University of Bolton
MSc (c.) Crisis Management (focused on the Health Sector), University of Bolton. Researcher at Hellenic Institute for Strategic Studies (HELISS) and Institute for International Relations (IDIS), Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens
Dimitrios G. Pantazis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Political Scientist (specialized in International and European Studies), BA (Dept. Political Science and Public Administration, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens). Research coordinator at Student Association for International Affairs (SAFIA), Athens
Sotirios T. Kalasountas, University of Piraeus
Undergraduate Student, Dept. International and European Studies, University of Piraeus
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