Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): Potential Impacts and Critical Success Factors

Georgios Nasios
Niki Foradoula

In recent years, PPPs have been increasingly used to implement projects and provide public services. The governments have made the necessary legislative and financial efforts in order to promote PPPs, given the need to acquire know-how from the private sector and the advantages they bring to the public sector and the citizens. However, the use of PPPs should be carefully planned as, in addition to the wider social and economic impacts, failures and negative results have been observed. This article attempts to present the main characteristics of PPPs, cite their possible impacts and quote their critical success factors in order to make PPPs more beneficial for the involved parties and the citizens.

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Bibliographies de l'auteur
Georgios Nasios, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece.
PhD in Social Policy, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece.
Niki Foradoula, University of Southampton; Athens University of Economics and Business; Hellenic Open University.
MSc in International Banking and Financial Studies, University of Southampton, MSc in European Studies, Athens University of Economics and Business, MBA, Hellenic Open University.
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