Isopods of the genus Astacilla (Valvifera, Arcturidae) from the LIFE + INDEMARES project off Alborán Island (S Spain), with the description of a rare species A. carlosoteroi (Reboreda, Wägele & Garmendia, 1994)


Three species of the isopod genus Astacilla were collected off Alborán Island (SW Mediterranean Sea) within the LIFE + INDEMARES project. Twelve specimens of the rare species Astacilla carlosteroi (Reboreda, Wägele & Garmendia, 1994) were found; this species is only known as a single incomplete female from Galicia (NW Spain, Atlantic). Males, reported for the first time, are described, as well as morphological details provided for two additional species, A. dilatata (G.O. Sars, 1883) and A. mediterranea Koehler, 1911.

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BEATRIZ RINCÓN, Dpto. Ciencias de la Vida, AP 20 Campus Universitario, Universidad de Alcalá, 28805 Alcalá de Henares

Departamento de Ciencias de la Vida

Catedrático de Universidad (Professor)

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