Comment on “4.4 First record of the goblin shark Mitsukurina owstoni Jordan, 1898 (Lamniformes: Mitsukurinidae) in the Mediterranean Sea” by Athanasios Anastasiadis, Evangelos Papadimitriou and Frithjof C. Küpper in: Kousteni, V., Anastasiadis, A., Bariche, M., Battaglia, P., Bonifazi, A. et al. (2022). New records of rare species in the Mediterranean Sea (May 2022). Mediterranean Marine Science, 23 (3), 417-446

Veröffentlicht: Mar 13, 2023

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Driggers, W.B., Davis, K.S., Moore, C., Carlson, J.K., 2014. New record of a goblin shark Mitsukurina owstoni (Lamniformes: Mitsukurinidae) in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biodiversity Records, 7, Article e96.
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Rincon, G., Vaske-Júnior, T., Gadig, O.B.F., 2012. Record of the goblin shark Mitsukurina owstoni (Chondrichthyes: Lamniformes: Mitsukurinidae) from the south-western Atlantic. Marine Biodiversity Records, 5, Article e44.
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