Updated checklist of Marine Bivalve Molluscs of Montenegro (southeast Adriatic Sea)

Δημοσιευμένα: Jan 18, 2022

This paper presents an updated inventory of the marine bivalves of Montenegro. The checklist based on published literature and recent research includes 165 taxa. Eleven taxa are recorded for the first time in Montenegrin coastal waters. Six species are non indigenous, while one is crytogenic. Two species (Lithophaga lithophaga and Pinna nobilis) are listed in Annex IV of Habitat directive and are therefore protected fauna species in Montenegro additionally. Three species are strictly protected according to the Bern Convention (Appendix II), while four species are endangered or threatened according to the Barcelona Convention (Annex II). Pinna nobilis is considered Critically Endangered due to mass mortality. Finally, as Thyasira orahovaziana is a questionable taxon as its validity is uncertain (taxon inquirendum) it is excluded from the checklist, as well as taxa Spaniorinus reconditus which is extinct, and Mytilus edulis which occurrence in Montenegrin coastal waters is uncertain. 

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  • Ενότητα
  • Research Article
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