Macrobenthic fauna and the ecological status of a shellfish farm in the Mediterranean Sea (Algeria)

Δημοσιευμένα: Mar 22, 2024

A faunistic and ecological study on the benthic macrofauna was carried out in the shellfish farm in Ain Chorb (Ain Taya), central Algeria. This study aims to characterise the composition, structure, and functioning of the benthic community to establish the reference state and ecological quality of the shellfish farm and to monitor its evolution through an adapted sampling and observation methodology adapted and used by the scientific community at the international level. Benthic fauna samples were collected in two different periods (warm and cold season) between February 2020 and June 2021; six grab samples were carried out at three sampling stations. Different indices were evaluated based on the benthic community characteristics (species richness, abundance, density, ecological and trophic groups, and the biotic index) and indicator species. An inventory of the macrobenthic fauna of the farm allowed us to identify 6 phyla, 10 classes, 48 families, 106 genera, and 138 species, with a total of 45960 ind/m2. The benthic assemblage is characterised by the dominance of the species Abra alba, Salvatoria clavata, Caecum spp., and Bittium spp. The results of the four benthic indices (the Shannon-Weaver diversity index [H′], the AZTI Marine Biotic Index [AMBI], the multivariate AZTI Marine Biotic Index [M-AMBI], and the BENTIX) indicated that that the sampling stations have a moderate and good ecological status. These results were confirmed by the abundance/biomass comparison curves and geometric abundance class methods. This study provides the first inventory and represents the reference state of the soft-bottom communities of the aquaculture farm. The findings also indicate that the macrobenthic assemblage is excellent indicator of the ecological status.

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  • Research Article
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