Non-indigenous polychaetes along the Salento Peninsula: new records and first molecular data

Δημοσιευμένα: Απρ 15, 2024

The Salento Peninsula represents the eastern-most edge of the Italian Peninsula, and one of the first areas to be invaded by thermophilic non-indigenous species. The diversity of non-indigenous polychaetes occurring along the Salento Peninsula is reviewed based on literature data and new samples. Overall, fifteen non-indigenous polychaetes were recorded; among them, Syllis similisunzima is reported for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea; Lepidonotus tenuisetosus is recorded for the first time in Italian waters; Pseudonereis anomala, until now known only for Sicily, is reported for the first time from the Italian Peninsula; Dorvillea similis is a first record for the Ionian and Adriatic Sea. 16S rDNA and COI sequences were obtained for eleven species, allowing us in some cases to confirm their identity and/or geographical origin, while in the case of some species they represent the first molecular data ever obtained.

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