New combinations of two Pseudobranchiomma species (Annelida: Sabellidae): The difficulty in establishing a boundary layer among genera within the Sabellinae

Опубликован: juin 21, 2023

Due to the presence of companion chaetae on the thoracic notopodia, a feature unnoticed on the material of the original description, the species Pseudobranchiomma tarantoensis (Knight-Jones & Giangrande, 2003) and P. marmarensis (Çinar & Giangrande, 2018) are here transferred to different genera; the former to the genus Sabella Linnaeus, 1767 and the latter to Bispira Krøyer, 1856. A discussion on the boundary existing among the genera belonging to the clade Sabellinae is made, underlying the importance of the thoracic uncini shape, which shows consistency with species separation from a molecular point of view.

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Библиографические ссылки
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