Review of Nikolaos Papadogiannis', Militant around the Clock? Left-Wing Youth Politics, Leisure, and Sexuality in Post-Dictatorship Greece, 1974–1981

Kostis Kornetis

Nikolaos Papadogiannis. Militant around the Clock? Left-Wing Youth Politics, Leisure, and Sexuality in Post-Dictatorship Greece, 1974–1981. New York: Berghahn, 2015. x + 329 pp.

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Author Biography
Kostis Kornetis, Center for European and Mediterranean Studies of NYU
Kostis Kornetis completed his PhD dissertation in History and Civilization at the European University Institute, Florence. From 2007 to 2012 he taught Modern Greek and Contemporary European History at the History Department of Brown University. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Center for European and Mediterranean Studies of NYU. He has worked extensively on the history and memory of the 1960s, the methodology of oral history and the use of film as a source for social and cultural history. His book “Children of the Dictatorship” is forthcoming with Berghahn Books.
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