Author Guidelines
The submission process at a glance
The Historical Review / La Revue Historique accepts submissions in English and French. All articles that fall within the scope of the journal are considered on condition that they are original and that they have been submitted only to The Historical Review / La Revue Historique. Articles must be submitted electronically via the journal’s webpage ( Articles are accepted for publication solely on the basis of merit according to the results of a blind peer review process. Revised articles are published on the journal's webpage as soon as editing and layout is over and on condition that they are accompanied by all necessary documentation (e.g., permissions to reproduce images and copyrighted texts). The final form of an article should take into consideration the changes requested by the reviewers and should comply with the formatting standards set by the journal and described below. Articles are published in pdf format. The author is responsible for editing the article to a level acceptable for publication. By submitting an article for publication to The Historical Review / La Revue Historique the author assumes responsibility for adhering to intellectual property rights law and assures that no indemnity is caused to anyone.
Book reviews
Please send books to be reviewed to the Book Review Editor.
Initial submission
Manuscripts should be between 7,000 and 15,000 words and must be submitted electronically via the journal’s webpage in Microsoft Word format, with images, tables, and references included in a single file. Each submission must include an abstract of no more than 150 words. The author’s name(s) should not appear anywhere in the document, and any references to the author's previous work should be written in the third person.
To ensure the subject matter aligns with the journal's focus, the editors will conduct an initial screening of all submissions. Manuscripts that do not adhere to the journal's guidelines, standards, or contain improper language will be rejected. This upfront rejection process aims to reduce manuscript processing time and allow authors to submit to a more suitable journal without delay. If a manuscript passes the initial screening, the editors will make every effort to have it reviewed promptly.
Online submission guidance
Registration in the journal (if not already a registered user). You must register as an author to submit a paper.
The following fields in your profile are mandatory (papers will not be assigned for review if the mandatory fields are not completed):
1. Name
2. Last Name
3. Email
4. Affiliation (Capacity, Institution, Department. Divide the three with semi-colons (;))
5. ORCID ID This is an international researcher attribute that can be acquired at no cost at It is a very useful way to attribute work to authors and to connect information online. Some funders require this.
6. Country
If you have already registered, upgrade your profile by choosing the option “author” in the “Roles” field.
Providing information in two languages
First fill in your information in the language that the article is written. Then provide in a second language, if desired. If first language is other than English, English should be the second language. Choose the language from language form dropdown list and submit to define the language. First fill in one language, then in the second and save at the end. Do not save in between the two languages. The process is the same for providing article metadata.
Article submission: from your personal user page as an author, choose to submit a new article.
• Choose the section of the journal for submission (e.g., book reviews, articles, etc.).
• Choose the main language in which the article is written from the dropdown list
• Agree with the submission preparation checklist
• Attach your paper
• Fill in the article metadata first in the language that the article has been written, including author information for all authors (as described above). The following metadata fields are obligatory
o Title
o Abstract
o Keywords (separate keywords with semi-colons (;))
o Language (insert en for English, fr for French)
We recommend that you fill as many fields as possible in the “indexing” section beyond the obligatory ones above. Indexing helps network your article and make it more visible in the web.
OpenAIRE metadata. If your submission is the result of EC funding through Horizon 2020, this field is obligatory to fill with the grant agreement number of your research grant. This will allow for your publication to become visible in the European repository, which provides open access to all publications funded by the EC.
Supporting Institutions. We recommend that you fill this field if your article is the result of specific funding, for example by an FP7, Horizon 2020 project, by a private Foundation (by filling in e.g. European Commission or Wellcome Trust).
Revised submission
If a manuscript is accepted for publication, the author will be asked to submit the final draft in two months. The final draft should take into consideration all the changes requested; alternatively, the author must analytically explain why he/she has rejected them. No major changes to the text are permitted after the final submission. Artwork and copies of all relevant permissions should be submitted to the journal at this time. Revised manuscript drafts will be forwarded to the final publication stages (i.e., editing, layout) only upon receipt of all necessary documentation and permissions (i.e., images, plans, reproduction permissions), and on condition that the revised article conforms to the journal's guidelines. Authors can examine the proofread copy of their articles and provide their comments on changes within three working days upon notification. In lack of response the article is published according to the changes proposed by the copyeditor. Authors can follow the progress of a manuscript at all publication stages through his/her account with the journal's website.
Final submission files
The following should be submitted as separate electronic files (the name of each file should consist of the author's last name and the type of document it contains according to the examples shown below):
- Revised article and footnotes in Microsoft Word and in pdf format, a total of two files (example: PapadopoulosText.docx and PapadopoulosText.pdf).The following should be included in this file in the following order: The title, the author(s)' name(s), affiliation, full mailing address, email and telephone number, the abstract of the paper, the main text and the footnotes. If there are changes in the title and/or abstract of the paper it should be noted in the file addressed to the Editors (see no. 6 below).
- Illustrations: each as a separate TIFF file and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals in the order they appear in the text (see below on the format of images; example: PapadopoulosFigure1.tiff or PapadopoulosPlan1.tiff).
- List of captions in Microsoft Word. List separately in consecutive numbers in Arabic numerals the captions of all the figures in the text (example: PapadopoulosCaptions1.docx).
- Appendixes or catalogues (where applicable) in Microsoft Word and in pdf format, a total of two files (example: PapadopoulosCatalogue1.docx and PapadopoulosCatalogue1.pdf)
- Tables (where applicable) in Microsoft Word and in pdf format, a total of two files per table submitted (example: PapadopoulosTable1.docx and PapadopoulosTable1.pdf). Each table should be accompanied by a self-explanatory caption below it. Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals in the order they appear in the text.
- A file in Microsoft Word and in pdf format addressed to the editors providing an account of all the changes proposed by the reviewers and not addressed by the author(s), as well as the reasons for not doing so.
- A file in Microsoft Word with five keywords pertinent to the article’s content accompanied by author’s institutional affiliation and email.
Image specifications:
Illustrations can only be submitted digitally with the journal's webpage and should be in TIFF format. Authors are required to send illustrations in low resolution during initial submission and in high resolution during revised submission. Authors should clearly state the program(s) used to create digital images including the version of the program(s). Illustrations should be submitted in the desired orientation, and images of objects should have a scale indication whenever possible. All illustrations should be numbered consecutively and cited in the text in order of discussion. The editors reserve the right to reject digital images of poor quality that do not conform to the journal's standards.
Black-and-white scans
Black-and-white scans should be in grayscale mode in TIFF format, and should be produced from originals of high quality. Resolution should be at 350 dpi at 100% of the desired print size.
Color scans
Color scans should be submitted in RGB mode in the TIFF format. Resolution should be at 350 dpi at 100% of the desired print size.
Line drawings, maps, and plans
Digital line art should be a minimum of 1,200 dpi and at 100% of the desired print size. It should be submitted in TIFF format as line art or bitmap. Large files should be saved using the LZW compression provided in the application. All plans should be accompanied by a north arrow and a scale.
The author is responsible for securing permissions to publish copyrighted material, such as photographs, drawings or translations of original works. He/she is responsible for paying any fees involved. Production of an article will not begin until all relevant permissions have been received by the Editor-in-Chief.
Style Overview
General instructions
1. Please use Times Roman. For the text, 12-point sized throughout, 1.5 spaced. For the notes, 10-point sized, single spaced. Notes should be numbered consecutively throughout the document.
2. For English-language texts, British spelling is preferred. The journal also accepts submission in French.
3. All texts are to include the author’s name, institutional affiliation, a 150-word abstract, and keywords.
4. If graphs, tables, maps or photos are included, please number them consecutively. All figures and tables require a heading and a source, which should appear under the figure or table, e.g.
Table 3. Industries inspected by the Labour Inspectorate in Corfu (by number of employees per gender and age), 1921
Source: Labour Directorate, Ministry of National Economy, Εκθέσεις του προσωπικού επιθεωρήσεως εργασίας επί της εφαρμογής των εργατικών νόμων, έτος 1921 (Athens: National Printing House, 1924), 96.
Fig. 1. Portrait of Zois Kaplanis, from Redkiĭ blagodetel’nyĭ podvig’ Zoja Konstantinovicha Kaplani/Σπάνια ευποιϊας έργα του Ζώη Κωνσταντίνου Καπλάνη (Moscow: S. Selivanovskago, 1809), ix.
5. Any pictures/photographs/maps should be provided as separate files, in the highest resolution possible. Please number and name them according to their caption (for example, Fig. 1 in the text should be named fig1.jpeg, etc.). Do not insert images into the text but do place the caption where the image should appear.
6. Express numbers in words if less than 10 (e.g., seven, eight), otherwise use Arabic numerals (e.g., 55, 100, 789). Percent is written as one word. If percentages are in whole numbers, write out the number and percent; use Arabic numbers and the word “percent” (e.g., 98.1 percent).
7. Dates should always be inverted, e.g., 29 August 1774.
8. Abbreviations and contractions should be avoided where possible.
9. The names of modern Greek authors and personalities appear in the form used by the subjects themselves, as far as this can be determined. Place names should be used in their standard forms in English or in French. If in doubt, please consult the Historical Review index for vols. 1–10 (
10. Spell out first names on first mention in text and in notes. Avoid initials (e.g. Konstantinos Paparrigopoulos, not “K. Paparrigopoulos”). Surnames alone can be used thereafter.
11. Use double quotation marks for quotations. French texts should also use English-style quotation marks (“…”), not guillemets (« … »).
The Historical Review / La Revue Historique is edited according to the 16th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS), with some variations. All article manuscripts submitted for publication must conform to the CMOS notes and bibliography system, an overview of which can be found below.
Some general points
- Use maximum capitalisation for the titles of works published in English, e.g. The Eastern Question: A Historical Study in European Diplomacy
- Use minimum capitalisation for the titles of works published in Greek, French etc., e.g. Εκπαίδευση και αλυτρωτική πολιτική: Η περίπτωση της Θράκης, 1856–1912
- Please use the original title of the publication in all cases. Do not translate foreign-language titles and do not provide translations of foreign-language titles in brackets. The titles of Greek-language books, articles, journals and newspapers are provided in Greek characters.
Published in English
3 John A. Marriott, The Eastern Question: A Historical Study in European Diplomacy (Oxford: Clarendon, 1956), 175–230.
Shortened note:
45 Marriott, Eastern Question, 156.
Published in Greek
17 Eleni B. Belia, Εκπαίδευση και αλυτρωτική πολιτική: Η περίπτωση της Θράκης, 1856–1912 (Thessaloniki: Institute for Balkan Studies, 1995), 126.
Shortened note:
50 Belia, Εκπαίδευση και αλυτρωτική πολιτική, 77.
Published in English
2 Leonore Davidoff and Catherine Hall, Family Fortunes: Men and Women of the English Middle Class, 1780–1850 (London: Routledge, 2002), 105.
Shortened note:
33 Davidoff and Hall, Family Fortunes, 45–47.
Published in Greek
8 Efi Avdela and Angelika Psarra, Ο φεμινισμός στην Ελλάδα του μεσοπολέμου (Athens: Gnosi, 1985), 93.
Shortened note:
56 Avdela and Psarra, Ο φεμινισμός στην Ελλάδα, 97–99.
1 Douglas Dakin, Η Ενοποίηση της Ελλάδας, 1770–1923, trans. Athanasios Xanthopoulos (Athens: MIET, 2012), 186.
Shortened note:
33 Dakin, Η Ενοποίηση της Ελλάδας, 192.
Published in English
10 Roderick Beaton, “Versions of Europe in the Greek Literary Imagination (1929–61),” in Europe in Modern Greek History, ed. Kevin Featherstone (London: Hurst, 2014), 35.
Shortened note:
132 Beaton, “Versions of Europe,” 36.
Published in Greek
12 Leda Papastefanaki, “Μισθωτή εργασία,” in Η ανάπτυξη της ελληνικής οικονομίας κατά το 19ο αιώνα, ed. Kostas Kostis and Socrates Petmezas (Athens: Alexandreia, 2006), 265–79.
Shortened note:
78 Papastefanaki, “Μισθωτή εργασία,” 275.
Published in English
1 Evrydiki Sifneos, “Merchant Enterprises and Strategies in the Sea of Azov Ports,” International Journal of Maritime History 22, no. 1 (2010): 264.
Shortened note:
9 Sifneos, “Merchant Enterprises and Strategies,” 263.
Published in Greek
12 Dimitris Malessis, “Το παλαιοημερολογιτικό ζήτημα (1924–1952): Όψεις της πολιτικής και πολιτισμικής σύγκρουσης στο Μεσοπόλεμο και στη μεταπολεμική περίοδο,” Μνήμων 22 (2000): 141.
Shortened note:
100 Malessis, “Το παλαιοημερολογιτικό ζήτημα,” 140.
Bibliography entry:
In English
5 Eleni Calligas, “The ‘Rizospastai’ (Radical Unionists): Politics and Nationalism in the British Protectorate of the Ionian Islands, 1815–1864” (PhD diss., University of London, 1994), 71.
Shortened note:
15 Calligas, “The ‘Rizospastai,’” 75.
In Greek
1 Despina Papadimitriou, “Ο Τύπος και ο Διχασμός 1914–1917” (PhD diss., National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 1990), 264–67.
Shortened note:
34 Papadimitriou, “Ο Τύπος και ο Διχασμός, 145.
Published in English
“Junta in Greece Firmly in Power after Coup Fails,” New York Times, 15 December 1967.
Nikos Konstandaras, “The Orthodox Schism and the Spiritual Limits of Politics,” New York Times, 19 October 2019,
Shortened note:
“Junta in Greece.”
Konstandaras, “The Orthodox Schism.”
Published in Greek (shortened note and bibliography entry same as above)
Vassilis Angelikopoulos, “Εικόνες του σήμερα,” Καθημερινή, 20 June 1999.
Sotiris Rizas, “Το πραξικόπημα Ιωαννίδη στην Κύπρο,” Καθημερινή, 23 December 1999,
(Online books, chapters, journal entries, etc., follow the same rules for printed materials of the same type but with the addition of a url at the end).
1 “Privacy Policy,” Privacy & Terms, Google, last modified 17 April 2017,
2 “About Yale: Yale Facts,” Yale University, accessed 1 May 2017,
3 Katie Bouman, “How to Take a Picture of a Black Hole,” filmed November 2016 at TEDxBeaconStreet, Brookline, MA, video, 12:51,
Shortened notes:
4 Google, “Privacy Policy.”
5 “Yale Facts.”
6 Bouman, “Black Hole.”