"A gift from God": Anglo-Greek relations during the dictatorship of the Greek colonels

Published: Dec 5, 2014
Greek junta Greek Colonels Anglo-greek relations Greek foreign policy UK foreign policy Britain
Alexandros Nafpliotis
The focus of this article is an analysis of the Greek junta’s relations with the Wilson and Heath governments in the United Kingdom from 1967 to 1974. Emphasis is placed on diplomatic relations between the two traditional allies. The reactions of the military leaders of the regime in Athens and its representatives in Britain to policies pursued by London towards the establishment, consolidation and eventual demise of the colonels’ dictatorship are presented through the examination (for the first time) of official documents from both the UK and Greece. It is argued that the Greek military regime struggled to cultivate relations with Britain primarily for reasons of domestic and international prestige. Whereas Whitehall pursued a policy of “good working relations” with the junta in order to promote British interests vis-à-vis NATO, Cyprus and trade, the leadership in Athens was solely interested in using British support to gain legitimacy internationally and domestically.
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Author Biography
Alexandros Nafpliotis, National Documentation Centre / NHRF

Alexandros Nafpliotis (PhD in International History, LSE) was a Visiting Fellow at the Hellenic Observatory at LSE and has worked as an Attaché at the High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus in the UK. His first book, Britain and the Greek Colonels: Accommodating the junta in the Cold War (I.B. Tauris, 2012) examines diplomatic, economic, cultural, and defence relations between subsequent British governments and the military dictatorship that ruled Greece from 1967 to 1974.

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