Feminist movement, feminist theory and citizenship
This article investigates the way developments in the feminist movement of the last three decades have provoked theoretical revisions of the concept and the practice of citizenship for women.
Of the multiple propositions for new conceptualisations of citizenship, that take gender into account, the author argues that only those in which the subject appears as holding a gendered identity that is not dichotomous, take really advantage of recent important developments in feminist theory of which they seem, in a sense, as expected by-products. Also, the author claims that a perception of gender in its multiplicity, beyond the binary opposition man-woman expressing power relations, is a precondition for, as well as it instigates, the establishment of a politics that in the long run is democratic in essence, and beneficial for all.
Article Details
- Zitationsvorschlag
Παντελίδου-Μαλουτα Μ. (2017). Feminist movement, feminist theory and citizenship. Ελληνική Επιθεώρηση Πολιτικής Επιστήμης, 8(1), 154–180. https://doi.org/10.12681/hpsa.15243
- Ausgabe
- Bd. 8 (1996)
- Rubrik
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