Media content and public opinion trends in Greece during the first period of the crisis, 2009-2011

Μάνος Τσατσάνης
Γιάννης Τσίρμπας

The present article explores the relationship between media content and public opinion trends in Greece during the first period of the crisis, between January 2009 and March 2011. More specifically, the landscape of TV political news is described both in terms of party salience and political news agenda. Moreover, the effect of austerity measures, which cut the period under investigation exactly in half, on media content is explored. The "classic" hypotheses about the effect of parties' media exposure and of the salience of certain issues to public opinion trends are also investigated and several interesting correlations are discovered. Finally, the potential effect of the exposure to media political content to political behavior at the individual level is also tested and an interesting "mainstreaming effect" seems to be in place.

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