About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The INR/NHRF Newsletter is an annual periodical publication that aims at apprising the scientific community on the scientific and research activities of the Institute for Neohellenic Research and its researchers, and also at becoming a vehicle of communication among Neohellenists in Greece and the rest of the world. The Newsletter is published continuously since 1990.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


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Journal History

The INR/NHRF Newsletter is an annual periodical publication that aims at apprising the scientific community on the scientific and research activities of the Institute for Neohellenic Research and its researchers, and also at becoming a vehicle of communication among neohellenic researchers in Greece and the rest of the world. The Newsletter is published continuously since 1990, and 2007 saw the publication of its 32nd issue.

            The initial idea for the creation of the Newsletter belonged to Thimios Nikolaidis, who is now research director of INR, and the first issue was published in October 1990, in the form of a 36-pages mimeographed pamphlet. Loukia Droulia, the director of INR at the time, supported the publication and contributed to the selection of material and the shaping of the Newsletter. In her introductory note published in the first issue, she noted that the Newsletter's aim is to provide a «quick update on the field of neohellenic historical science, especially concerning the current research activities». With immediacy, flexibility and speed as its main objectives, that pamphlet focused on supplying brief information to the scientific community, with announcements of conferences, seminars, and other scientific events that concerned the research and study of neohellenic history, while it also provided an update on the scientific activities that the Center of Neohellenic Research (as was named at the time) organized or participated in. During the period 1990-1996, the Newsletter was published semi-annually (Issues 1-18). From October 1990 till July 1993 (Issues 1-9), the Newsletter's editor was exclusively Thimios Nikolaidis, while from October 1993 (Issue 10) till October 1995 (Issue 16) it was edited alternately by the Institute researchers Eftihia Liata, Panagiotis Mihailaris, Thimios Nikolaidis, Vicky Patsiou, Maria-Christina Hadziioanou. Kelly Aggeli, of the computer department of INR, carried out the technical supervision and typesetting of the Newsletter.

            The positive response of the scientific community to the publication of the Newsletter, as well as its potential, led the next director of INR, Vasilis Panagiotopoulos, to make a significant upgrade on March 1996. The 17th issue of the Newsletter had a new and special format: its material was enriched and classified into standard columns, and it had a color cover and rich illustrations, as well as a new esthetically improved appearance, created by graphic artist Giannis Kouroudis, with the cooperation of the current research director of INR, Giorgos Tolias. Vasilis Panagiotopoulos, in his prologue titled «Passage», notes that the Institute'sNewsletter will no longer include just «information on INR life and the activities of its members», but also «any information that reaches us, either in the form of announcements and press releases, or in the form of signed notes [...] so that today, in the era of networks and globalization, Neohellenic Studies in Greece and abroad may have a forum of information and communication». TheNewsletter editorial team included Thimios Nikolaidis and Giorgos Tolias, with Vasilis Panagiotopoulos as its chief editor. Since the 20th Issue (December 1997), the editorial team acquired a new member, Ourania Polikandrioti, while Vaso Antoniou, of the computer department of INR, was its new technical supervisor (pagination and typesetting). The Newsletter in its new form had an considerably increased readership both in Greece and abroad, while the material of each semiannual issue was extended now to 80 pages. Special emphasis was given to the «Chronicle», a detailed presentation of conferences and other scientific events in the field of Neohellenic Studies.

            The increasingly demanding material of the Newsletter made its semiannual publication difficult, so since 2000, when Professor Paschalis M. Kitromilidis was appointed director of INR, its publication became annual. Paschalis Kitromilidis, aiming at promoting Neohellenic Studies to an internationally recognized scientific field, in his «Introductory Note» of the 25th Issue (November 2000) of the Newsletter underlines the need for INR to «become a rallying point of neohellenic scholars in Greece and abroad, so that we can apply ourselves to the common effort of establishing our field of study as a legitimate and recognizable branch of international science». On this basis, starting with the 27th Issue (2002), we have undertaken a systematic review of the important centers and institutes of Neohellenic Studies in universities all over the world. In the new column we have already presented: the Department of Neohellenic Studies of the Institute of Byzantine and Neohellenic Studies of the University of Munich (Issue 27, 2002), the Department of Neohellenic Studies of the National Institute of Eastern Languages and Civilizations (INALCO) in Paris (Issue 28, 2003), the Neohellenic Institute at the Sorbonne (Issue 29, 2005), the Department of Byzantine and Neohellenic Studies at King's College in London (Issue 30, 2006), and neohellenic studies at the University of Oxford (Issue 31, 2006), and Cambridge (Issue 32, 2007). The members of the editorial team are now Ourania Polikandrioti, Alexandra Sfini (who replaced Thimios Nikolaidis since the publication of Issue 30, 2005), and Evgenia Drakopoulou (who replaced Giorgos Tolias since the publication of Issue 32, 2007). Paschalis Kitromilidis, director of INR, is the chief editor of the Newsletter since 2000, and Vaso Antoniou is always the technical supervisor.

            The Newsletter, in its present form, besides the review of centers of neohellenic studies abroad, includes presentations of works published by the Institute and its researchers, descriptions of INR programmes and of Greek and international research programmes and projects it participates in, as well as a complete list of publications and papers by its researchers. There is also other useful information for neohellenic scholars, such as presentations of dissertations, and descriptions and reviews of conferences, seminars and scientific meetings.

            The Newsletter, through the editorial work of the INR researchers, has become the mirror of the Institute's diverse scientific activities, as well as an important information center on neohellenic studies all over the world.