Comparative study on the efficacy of Mecadox, Bayo-n-ox and Avotan as growth promoters in starter, grower and finisher pigs


In a comperativi experiment with hybrid pigs the effect of the antibiotic Avotan and the growth promoters Bayo-n-ox and Mecadox on growth rate, feed consumption and feed efficiency during growth up to 70 days of age, and in fattening pigs was studied. The effect of the continuation or the interuption of provision of the above mentioned antibiotic and growth promoters, after growth (20-100 kg LV) was also studied. The piglets were fed with four balanced ratios. The starter ratio (up to weaning) the growth ratio (35-70 days of age) the prefattening ratio (70-115 days of age) and the finishing ratio (115- 167 days of age). The piglets were kept under controlled conditions. The results have shown that: a. The use of Avotan, Bayo-n-ox and Mecadox in proportions of 20, 50 and 50 ppm respectively had no effect during suckling while there was an effect during growth (p< 0.01) on the live weight gain and feed consumption. The growth promoters had an equal effect. b. The continuation of provision of Avotan from 20 to 10 ppm, of Bayo-n-ox from 50 to 50 ppm and of Mecadox from 50 to 25 ppm during the prefattening and finishing periods respectively caused no diference in the live weight gain, in feed consumption, in feed efficiency and in quality of Carcass. There were no diferences among treatments and control group. The supply of growth promoters can be in general justified during suckling, growth and the first half of the prefattening period. During the rest prefattening and finishing periods have no meaning.

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