Relationships between glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glutathione peroxidase, reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, total protein, malondialdehyde, total glutathione and vitamin C parameters in goat milk cells

Published: Apr 29, 2022
Goat milk cell GPx G6PD NADPH tGSH
Filiz Kazak
Yasemin Karafakıoglu
Nuri Başpınar
Pınar Peker Akalın

In this study, to reveal the antioxidant potential of goat milk cells, the activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and the levels of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH), total glutathione (tGSH),malondialdehyde (MDA), vitamin C (Vit C) and total protein (TP) in goat milk cells were determined and correlations between these parameters were evaluated. Milk samples were collected from 19 clinically healthy goats from a private goat farm. Briefly, milk cells were collected from milk by centrifugation and than they were sonicated. Supernatant G6PD, GPx activities and NADPH, tGSH, MDA, Vit C and total protein levels were determined by spectrophotometric methods. As regards correlations: milk cell MDA levels were positively correlated with milk cell Vit C (r=0.488, P<0.05) and milk cell NADPH (r=0.589, P<0.05) levels. Milk cell TP levels were positively correlated with milk cell GPx activity (r=0.689,P<0.01). There was positive correlation between milk cell GPx activity and milk cell NADPH levels (r=0.497, P<0.05). Milk cell tGSH levels were positively correlated with milk cell Vit C (r=0.574, P<0.05) and milk cell NADPH (r=0.848, P<0.01) levels. Milk cell NADPH was positively correlated with milk cell G6PD activity (r=0.474, P<0.05). As a conclusion, antioxidant potential of goat milk cells were evaluated and discusses.


Key Words: Goat milk cell, GPx, G6PD, NADPH, tGSH

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