Effects of α-Tocopherol on chilled quality parameters of Tharparkar bull semen extended in Lecithin and Tris based egg yolk extender

Δημοσιευμένα: Ιαν 18, 2024
Ενημερώθηκε: 2024-01-18
A Channo
A kaka
AA Memon
MC Malhi
M Bakhsh
Q Kalwar
DH Kalhoro
A Sethar
RA Jariko

In this experiment, four healthy Tharparkar Cattle Bulls, 4-5 years aged were used. Total 52 (n=13) ejaculates were collected, and the semen samples having motility, morphology and viability ≥70% were processed and extended into BIOXcell­­­TM and Tris Based Egg Yolk extender supplemented with and without α-tocopherol (Vitamin E) 0.02 Mm/ml. Pre-thawed assessment of motility, morphology, viability and membrane integrity with BIOXcell­­­TM + α-tocopherol (Vitamin E) (79.09±0.87, 86.13±0.79, 82.13±1.20, 81.40±0.77) showed improved quality parameters as compared to Tris+ α-tocopherol (Vitamin E) (74.69±0.94, 82.81±1.00, 77.63±1.26, 77.31±1.01), BIOXcellTM (73.55±1.20, 80.81±0.96, 76.02±1.28, 75.31±1.20) and Tris (71.72±1.28, 78.90±1.01, 74.04±1.31, 73.18±1.29) respectively. In conclusion supplementation of α-tocopherol (Vitamin E) improves the Pre thawed quality parameters i.e. Motility, Morphology, Viability and Membrane Integrity of Tharparkar Bull semen extended in BIOXcell­­­TM and Tris Based Egg Yolk extender.

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  • Ενότητα
  • Research Articles
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