Epidemiological investigation o„f Mycoplasmas, M. gallisepticum, M. synoviae and M. meleagridis i poultry flocks in Greece.


The results of an investigation for the detection of abs to Mg, Ms and Mm in poultry farms in different regions in Greece are presented. For this purpose during the years of 1997-2000,1449 serum samples were examined, from which 1296 were originated from 72 chicken flocks (27 broiler; 19 layer, 22 breeder and 4 back-yard poultry), 75 from 4 turkey flocks, 58 from 3 flocks of partriges and 20 from 1 ostrich flock. The method used was the R.S.A. test (as a screening test) in combination with HI test. The incidence of Ms for broilers, layers and breeders was over 3 1% of the examined flocks, while the Mg in all the commercial chicken flocks was 17-25%. In back - yard poultry the incidence of Ms was 75% and to Mg 50%. In turkeys and partriges the incidence of Ms was 50% and 66% of the flocks respectively, while the positive flocks for Mg was 25-33%. The turkeys were negative for abs to Mm. The ostrich flock was also negative for abs to Mg and Ms. The results of our investigation indicate that the incidence of mycoplasmas in poultry, especially to Ms, is high in Greece. As a conclusion for the eradication of mycoplasmosis, it is necessary for the poultry industry and for the country, to follow the instruction included in 90/539/EEC directive and to take strickt hygienic measures in order to eliminate the microorganisms from the poultry flocks.

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