Molecular epidemiology of peste des petits ruminants virus in sheep and goats in Iran Epidemiology of PPRV in Iran

Publicado: gen 24, 2024
2024-01-24 (1)
AR Babaoglu
M Mahzounieh
S Bilge Dagalp

Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) infection is an acute to sub-acute viral disease in both domestic and wild small ruminants. Recent outbreaks of PPRV in Turkey’s Marmara region and in Europe (Georgia and Bulgaria) highlight the potential risk of PPR spreading to a larger geographic area. In order to achieve a successful eradication program, evaluating epidemiological data prior to developing disease control strategies is an essential criterion. This study aimed to perform molecular epidemiology of PPRV in sheep and goats in different provinces of Iran, especially in regions close to their border neighbors. For this purpose, a total of 341 animal specimens from sheep (n = 271) and goats (n = 70) with suspected PPRV infection were collected. The RT-real time-qPCR assay based on nucleoprotein (N) with a plasmid standard reference, which is rapid and sensitive for the diagnosis of infection, was used for the detection of PPRV nucleic acid. In the RT-real time-qPCR assay, a positivity rate of 29,91% (102/341) was detected for PPRV nucleic acid. Sequence analysis of sixteen samples from different provinces of Iran at nucleotide homology showed that 96,8-100% between them, 97,6-100% for reference isolate Turkey00, and 88,2-89% for the Nigeria 75/1 vaccine strain. The analysis of the secondary protein structure of the approximately 80 amino acid long region of the nucleoprotein in the sixteen viral sequences revealed structural similarity in alpha-helix and beta-leaf structures for all PPRV strains of Iranian origin except for two viruses. In the phylogenetic tree, PPRVs circulating in Iran belong to lineage IV and are closely related to the Turkey2000 isolate as previously found in Iran. Thus, according to the results of this work, this infection is considered endemic in Iran once again. Due to the difficulty of limiting animal movement, it needs to focus on the most effective way to vaccinate susceptible populations to prevent infection.

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