Investigation of omentin-1 and metabolic parameters in periparturient cows


We aimed to determine the level of omentin-1 hormone and other in periparturient period of dairy cows. It was also aimed to determine whether there is a correlation between omentin-1, glucose, Non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), triglycerides (TG) and β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB). Blood samples were taken a month before parturition (PreP30), two weeks before parturition (PreP14), at parturition (P), two weeks after parturition (PostP14) and a month after parturition (PostP30). Concentrations of serum omentin-1 at P, serum glucose at P, PostP14, and PostP30, serum NEFA at P, serum TG PreP30 and PreP14, and serum BHB at P were statistically significantly higher than at other times. A positive correlation was observed between omentin-1 and glucose, NEFA and BHB, glucose and NEFA and BHB, and NEFA and BHB. A negative correlation was found between TG and omentin-1, glucose, NEFA and BHB. In conclusion, findings of the present study shows that omentin-1 may play an important role in the periparturient period. A positive correlation of omentin-1 with energy fuels NEFA, glucose, and BHB suggests that omentin-1 plays a role in energy metabolism like other adipokines. The fact that omentin-1 levels increase during delivery, when the fetus needs energy most, supports this hypothesis.

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