Occurrence, antibiogram, high-level vancomycin and aminoglycosides resistance and potential virulence factors of enterococci in dogs in Nigeria

MU Anyanwu
UU Eze
JC Nnamani
NH Ikenna-Ezeh
PO Akpa
OJ Okorie-kanu
BM Anene


This study was conducted to isolate enterococci from dogs in Nigeria, and to determine the potential virulence, antibiotic susceptibility, phenotypic vancomycin (VAN), high-level ampicillin (AMP) and aminoglycosides susceptibility profile of the isolates. Rectal swabs were collected from 295 randomly-selected, clinically-healthy dogs. The isolation of enterococci was done using Slanetz and Bartley enterococcal selective medium. The resistance of 150 non-repetitive isolates was determined using disc diffusion method. VAN resistance was assessed by high-level disc diffusion and agar-screening methods. High-level AMP and aminoglycosides (gentamicin and streptomycin) resistance was determined by agar-screening method. Potential virulence factors were assayed using phenotypic methods. Out of 295 samples, 234 (80.7%) gave positive growth. From these, 250 enterococcal isolates comprised 229 (91.6%) non-pigmented and 21 (8.4%) pigmented strains, were obtained. Resistance of the isolates was 89% to erythromycin, 92% to rifampicin, 77% to chloramphenicol, 83% to tetracycline, 64% to ciprofloxacin, 32.7% to VAN, 24.7% to high-level streptomycin (HLS) and 6% to high-level gentamicin (HLG). Among 150 non-repetitive resistant isolates, 144 (96%), including all the VAN-, HLS- and HLG-resistant strains, exhibited resistance to at least 3 classes of antibiotics. The mean multiple antibiotic resistance index was 0.54 (range = 0.22 – 0.89). Of these 150 isolates, 94 (62.7%), including all the VAN-, HLS- and HLG-resistant strains, displayed virulence potentials as biofilm (44.7%), surface-layer (13.8%), haemolysin (21.3%), gelatinase (40.4%), caesinase (10.6%) and deoxyribonuclease (12.8%) activities. This study showed that dogs in Nigeria are potential reservoirs and disseminators of potentially-virulent, multidrug-, VAN- and high-level aminoglycosides-resistant enterococci.
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Bibliographies de l'auteur
MU Anyanwu, University of Nigeria

Veterinary Pathology and Microbiology. Lecturere I

UU Eze, University of Nigeria

Department of Veterinary medicine. Senior Lecturer

JC Nnamani, University of Nigeria

Veterinary medicine

NH Ikenna-Ezeh, University of Nigeria

Veterinary Pathology and Microbiology. Lecturer II

PO Akpa, University of Nigeria

Veterinary Medicine. Lecturere I

OJ Okorie-kanu, University of Nigeria

Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine

BM Anene, University of Nigeria

Veterinary Medicine. Professor

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